This is a website, that exists to provide a convenient way to store and share various pieces of written fiction.
Standalone works, 'one-shots' 'short stories', whatever you feel like calling them, can be found in the Short Index, and are organized according my completely arbitrary genre categories.
Longer works, ie. anything seperated into multiple chapters, or which is dependent on other works, can be found in the Long Index, and are organized first by the aforementioned arbritrary genre system, and then by relation.
If something vanishes from an Index unexpectedly, check the other Index; it may have been promoted / orphaned. Alternatively: weep, for I have reviewed it, and found it unfit to continue its existence.
Works are presented unedited, unless otherwise noted, and may be subject to adjustment without warning.
Please note that this website is dependent entirely on my rudimentary-at-best HTML skills, due to my principled opposition to templates and anything wrought of them. If the site doesn't properly function with something you're using, IE. a screen reader, or appears strange at unusual resolutions / mobile devices, that's why. Also, browsers like to cache websites, so you may not neccessarily be viewing the most recent version of any given page if you've been looking at the site frequently.
You may call me Tinfect. My actual name isn't any grand secret, but you may call me Tinfect.
You will refer to me with She/Her pronouns; I am a Native American woman, and a writer, and at least one of those ought to be obvious by now.
If you, for some reason, need to contact me and do not already have a means to do so, there will probably be a link here eventually. Until then, go to hell. No soliciting under any circumstances.
I hate art, artists, and all that is true and beautiful.